For all media inquiries, please contact Portland Story Theater at 503-284-2226 or send us a message. Thank you.
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
Peril on ice: an Antarctic tragedy
Lawrence Howard’s “Polar Opposites: Amundsen, Scott, and the Race for the South Pole” spins a tale of adventure and deadly ambition
Broadway World, Krista Garver
Feel the Thrill of Antarctic Exploration in Portland Story Theater’s POLAR OPPOSITES
Willamette Week, Kaitie Todd
Shackleton’s Antarctic Nightmare
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
Fridtjof Nansen’s polar express
Broadway World
Lawrence Howard at United Solo
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
Way down under, trapped on ice
Dennis Sparks Theatre Reviews
Shackleton: the Untold Story
Edge Media Network, Meg Currell
Portland Story Theater’s Spellbound
Oregon Arts Watch, Christa Morletti McIntyre
Once upon a time: true stories
The Bulletin, David Jasper
Storyteller dives into Essex disaster 1820 whaleship incident comes to life in Bend
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
Telling tales in the Naked City. Portland Story Theater’s “Urban Tellers” spin stories of the life beneath their lives
The Portland Tribune, Jason Vondersmith
An Enduring Tale, Storyteller Lawrence Howard relives Shackleton’s heroic struggle on stage
OregonLive, Marty Hughley
Lawrence Howard turns his storytelling craft to a Victorian murder mystery
Can Live Storytelling Be an Antidote to Xenophobia? With an evening of personal tales from immigrants and refugees, Portland Story Theater is betting on it.
Bend Bulletin, David Jasper
Q&A with Lawrence Howard
Armchair Adventurer brings Polar Opposites to Bend
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
Theater notes: Immigrant stories, persistent tales, farewell to Fremont, adventures in Deadland
Bend Bulletin, David Jasper
Armchair Adventurer returns to Bend
Storyteller explores life and travels of Fridtjof Nansen
Oregon Live, Jamie Hale
Storytelling in Portland: Portland Story Theater tells authentic tales that matter
Portland Monthly, Danielle Klenak
Guide to Portland Storytelling Events
All Things Performing Arts, Dennis Sparks
33-1⁄3, A Duet, The Long-Play Version
Bend Bulletin, David Jasper
Storytelling Focus: Adoption
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
The man they could not hang, the story with no end
The Oregonian, Marty Hughley
Portland Story Theater’s Lawrence Howard chosen to perform in New York’s United Solo Festival
NY Theatre
Q&A with Lawrence Howard United Solo Festival
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
Storytelling:a wintry tale of amazing fortitude
Urban Tellers’ immigrant tales
A new life in words: Portland Story Theater’s immigrant and refugee storytellers weave tales about leaving there and coming here
OregonLive, Holly Johnson
Fertile Ground: ‘Mawson’s Mettle’ holds Portland audience in rapt attention
Oregon Jewish Life, Taylor Long
Singlehandedly!! Festival Brings Solo Performance to Portland
Dennis Sparks Theatre Reviews
Polar Opposites: An Impossible Dream
Star News, Ted Perkins
Story theater to open season in new Alameda space
Oregon Arts Watch, Bob Hicks
FG review: a whale of a tale. Lawrence Howard’s ‘The Essex’ recounts the adventure of the 1820 oceangoing disaster that inspired ‘Moby-Dick’
OregonLive, Richard Wattenberg
Lawrence Howard’s storytelling exciting, unpretentious
OregonLive, Marty Hughley
Singlehandedly a festival adds to the resurgent popularity of storytelling as a solo performance form
Broadway World
Lawrence Howard at United Solo
The Oregonian, Marty Hughley
Stage Notes: storytelling on stage and online
Brown Paper Tickets Blog
Portland Story Theater’s Singlehandedly Solo Festival
Art Scatter, Laura Grimes
Jonzin’ for love? Try ‘Love Jones’